Thursday, June 24, 2010

Julia Gillard's First Words as Prime Minister cartoon

Julia Gillard's First Words as Prime Minister Cartoon.

Ok, I have to admit that wasn't great english. It was a big day, I was tired, and the wording seemed to work.

Further, it's seems the miners will come ahead of the environment. I think Julia needs to look at why Kevin first started to smell.

Julia Gillard, New Prime Minister, New Canberra cartoon.

Julia Gillard, New Prime Minister, New Canberra cartoon.

Julia Gillard Becomes Prime Minister

Julia Gillard Becomes Prime Minister Cartoon.

Kevin Rudd Leadership Showdown cartoon.

Kevin Rudd Leadership Challenge cartoon.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Liberals gain poll lead cartoon.

Liberals gain poll lead. OK, that should have been Coalition. Sorry to the Libs in gumboots.